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A-1: The scenario for weight being applied solely on the fingers is the basis of this analysis. The fingers are designed with limiting tabs to stop backward rotation and need a minimum specified size.


A-2: This analysis was meant to test the pin dimensions of the finger joints. Specifying a 1/8” steel pin.


A-3: This analysis was for the necessary thickness of the tab that may be used to facilitate the wrist movement at an angle.


A-4: An analysis of what bending stress the palm would be under in a 50 pound load situation, and if it would fail.


A-5: An analysis of the necessary fit of the joint pins in order to produce unrestricted movement.


A-6: An initial analysis on the max load of ABS glue as the halves of a joint are tested. A max property could not be found due to the glue being considered permanent in a standard environment.


A-7: An analysis of the shell thickness needed to hollow out the palm for articulation purposes.


A-8: An analysis on the potential failure point of the ears on the finger joints. They are the thinnest area, being 1/8 inch thick.


A-9: Analysis of the angled upper finger joint in terms of force components in the x and y axis. Necessary information for actuation cam design.


A-10: An analysis of the available area within the lower finger joints so that components for motion have ample room to move.


A-11: This is analysis of the shear component working on the upper finger joint. The 80 pound value was determined from A-9.


A-12: An analysis of the hollowed lower finger joint as a column. A column analysis was chosen to determine if the joint is susceptible to buckling when the test load is applied.


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